Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Nomination of new Muthavalli & Sajjada Nasheen of the Dargah

On 21st July 2020, Sajjada Nasheen & Muthavalli of Dargah-e-Hasan Moulana Baghdadi RAH, Prof. H. Habibullah Shah Sahib passed away from this world. انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

Subsequently, a meeting was held in the Dargah on 25th October 2020, in which Late Prof. H. Habibullah Shah Sahib's 2nd Grandson Janab Habib Mohamed Tahir Bijli F, who was rigorously trained in spirituality in the Tareeq of Hazrath Syed Hasan Moulana Baghdadi Qadri RA, was unanimously chosen as his successor as the Sajjada Nasheen & Muthavalli of Dargah-e-Hasan Moulana Baghdadi RA.